2. GCP Instance Setup

2.1. Create a GCP instance

Create a GCP instance with 16 CPUs and 60GB of RAM (machine type: n1-standard-16). Click on Change button in the Boot disk box to select Operating system: Ubuntu, Version: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS. Click on Management to select Preemptibility: ON

GCP instance creation

2.2. Accessing the instance with SSH

The instance will be available with two IP address, one internal for GCP and another external accessible from Internet. Click on the SSH button to login.


After clicking the SSH button, a new windows will be open. This is a Linux terminal running directly in the instance.

Linux terminal

2.3. Installing dependencies on the GCP instance with Ubuntu

Runs these commands on a terminal to prepare the instance to run PM4NGS

veraalva@instance-veraalva:~$ sudo apt-get update
veraalva@instance-veraalva:~$ sudo apt-get install docker.io python3 python3-pip python3-venv python3-dev poppler-utils gcc nodejs tree
veraalva@instance-veraalva:~$ sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
veraalva@instance-veraalva:~$ logout

Close and reopen the terminal to set the docker group in the user. Then, click on the SSH button again to re-launch the terminal.

2.4. Testing the Docker daemon

veraalva@instance-veraalva:~$ docker run hello-world

Docker will pull the hello-world image and run it in a container. A Hello from Docker! message is displayed in the terminal.

Testing Docker